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475 Donors for the BMB

Participation Drive
508 Donors
Towards goal of 475 Donors
$65,617.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on November 16, at 10:59 PM CST
Project Owners

475 Donors for the BMB

The BMB needs YOU

As our band continues to grow, so do our expenses. Uniforms, instruments, and travel are expensive, and we rely on our fans to continue marching. That's where you come in! Gifts of any amount will directly support the BMB's greatest needs. Give now to help with some of our most urgent needs, including:

  • 100 new uniforms ($500 each)
  • Updated sousaphone section ($6,000 each!)
  • Sound system for our on-field soloists ($6,000 total)
  • Copyright permissions for music ($5,000 for about 30 minutes of music)
  • Updated mellophone section ($1,500 each!)

Gifts of ANY amount will make a difference and bring us closer to receiving that $20,000 match!



Adopt a BMB Member

With a gift of $250 or more, you can "Adopt" a BMB member! When you adopt a BMB member, you will receive a sponsorship package that includes:

  • a photo of your BMB member with his/her section in the band
  • two tickets to the Homecoming football game on October 12

To adopt a BMB member today, make your gift of $250 and answer the questions about your sponsorship package on the giving page!

*Note: To receive homecoming tickets, gifts must be received no later than October 7, 2019**



475 Donors for the BMB

Thank you to all of our fans and alumni who have supported us so far. An anonymous donor committed to donating $20,000 if we could reach a goal of 475 donations (one for each member of the band!) We asked, and you answered. We've received more than 475 donations this season from our generous fans and donors. Thank you to everyone who has given!


If you haven't given yet, you can still make a difference. Our expenses are ongoing, from travel costs to instrument replacement and repairs, you can still make an important impact on the BMB.





Choose a giving level


Dr. Dickerson's 20th year

This year marks Dr. Dickerson's 20th year as director of the BMB. Under his leadership, the BMB has grown into the 475 member group that we are today. Honor Dr. Dickerson with a gift of $20!


Copyright expenses

We can't have a Homecoming show without some great tunes. If 100 of our fans and alumni gave $50, we could cover the cost of our copyright expenses for our Homecoming show.


The cost of our student fee

This season, each band member paid $115 to be a part of the BMB (this is on top of the out-of-pocket expenses that they will incur throughout the season). Your gift of $115 will help us get one step closer to minimizing out-of-pocket expenses for students band members.


Adopt 1 BMB member!

With a gift of $250 or more, you can "Adopt" a BMB member! You will receive a photo of your BMB member with his/her section in the band!


Adopt 2 BMB members!

Do you know two members of the BMB? You can adopt 2 members for $400! You'll receive two photos when you adopt 2 band members.


Fund a uniform!

With a gift of $500, you'll receive all of the perks of adopting a band member AND you'll help us purchase one of our new uniforms! We need to purchase 100 uniforms, so your gift will make a big difference.



We need to purchase a minimum of 16 sousaphones this year, each of which costs at least $6,000. You'll receive all of the perks of adopting a BMB member and help us cover 1/6 of the cost of a sousaphone!


Buy a mellophone!

Our aging mellophone section needs replacing. Your gift of $1,500 can cover the cost of one of the 12 new mellophones that we need!

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