Generous donations from patrons of the 2021 virtual Viennese Ball provided over $20,000 in scholarship funding to talented students! This page is no longer active, but you can support the Viennese Ball by giving through this link.
Contribute the cost of what you'd pay for a ticket to the Viennese Ball and a few drinks throughout the night to support the scholarships made possible by ticket sales.
Contribute the cost of what you'd pay for two tickets to the Viennese Ball and a few drinks throughout the night to support the scholarships made possible by ticket sales.
Fund a student scholarship to an outstanding UW-Eau Claire student. The Viennese Ball awards over $30,000 in scholarships each year, and your gift can provide support for one of these scholarships
For a gift at this level, you can sponsor one of the many talented groups who perform at each Viennese Ball, including Women's Concert Chorale, the Singing Statesmen, Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensembles, and more!