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Men's Basketball 2022-2023

$1,665 given by 5 donors to support UWEC Men's Basketball

UW-Eau Claire Men's Basketball

As we prepare for the season, we ask that you consider making a donation to the Ken Anderson Fund, which provides financial support for the men’s basketball program. These funds will help us recruit and retain student-athletes who are athletically and academically talented. They also help us provide resources to ensure that our student-athletes achieve excellence in the classroom and on the court. Your tax-deductible gift supports our mission of enhancing the education of our dedicated student-athletes by providing them with a first-class experience. 

Want to set up a monthly donation?

Monthly gifts of any size make an ongoing impact on our Blugolds, and it is an easy way to budget and structure your philanthropy. Giving monthly is reliable and consistent, helping us plan better for students and provides an ongoing reminder of the ever-present impact of your gift. Simply visit our formal giving website, choose your gift amount and frequency, and we'll take care of the rest.

Do you work for a matching gift company?

Increase the impact of your investment in UW-Eau Claire students with a matching gift from your employer. Most participating companies will match employee gifts dollar for dollar. Some will even double—or triple—match a gift! Just check with your human resources or personnel office to determine your company’s policy and pick up a matching gift form or fill it out online (procedures vary company to company). Please contact Dana Thompson at or 715-836-5620 for more information about matching gifts.


Thank you for considering making a donation to the Ken Anderson Fund. For more information or learn about opportunities to support the program as part of the 2nd Annual Blugold Giving Week, contact Matt Siverling, head coach, at or 715-836-3737.

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