About Crowdfunding

Your support of Blugold Athletics during Athletics Giving Week will help teams get new uniforms, new equipment, and travel out of state to compete and enrich their student-athlete experience. We look forward to celebrating Division III week with you by supporting our hard-working athletes.

Athletics Giving Week 2024 FAQ

How do I make sure my gift qualifies for a match?

Gifts must be made online at impact.uwec.edu/g/athletics between April 1 and April 7 to count towards our totals. 


Gifts are counted as one per household per team. Please do not make a gift for you, your spouse, and your child all to the same team because you will all only be counted as one gift towards the challenge matches throughout the week. There is an option to jointly make your gift from you and your spouse if you want to make sure we know it's from both of you.

Our Crowdfunding Groups